In 2008, I took over the commercial management of the FTP Vinhos project
and by coincidence I came across the M&A CREATIVE AGENCY portfolio. At the time, it
already had a very different profile in what concerns the creativity approach. We bet and launched the DUVALLEY brand, a timeless success to
this day, which was awarded for the unique quality of the product and the very
irreverent packaging.
After 15 years, the project I have taken on since 2016 is Mateus &
Sequeira Vinhos and M&A Creative Agency has been a partner in the evolution
of the CADÃO brand's notoriety when it comes to the branding, graphic &
packaging design, communication, photography, video and web design.
A special thank you to the team, for the commitment, quality and exclusivity
with which they have provided us.
Marcos Paulo, Global Expansion Manager - Mateus e Sequeira Vinhos